The picturesque town of Centerville usually doesn’t require huge effort from the local police officers. The most exciting part of their job is to settle differences between local farmers.
But this is about to change when strange things start happening in the neighborhood: brutal assaults on citizens, rashly accredited to wild animals – but the empty graves in the local cemetery suggest a different cause.
Soon it becomes clear: zombies have taken over the town. But none of the knowledge the townsfolk may have gathered from watching movies or the like will help in this case, because these zombies are something else. Most of them crave not only human flesh, but other things they used to like while they were alive – including coffee, chardonnay and playing tennis.
To overcome the threat, the police officers need assistance from none other than Zelda, the local undertaker with Scottish roots. She has a knack for dead bodies and also for wielding a samurai sword.