Student Representatives of the Board of Study & Teaching (BoST)
The Executive Board for Teaching is a relatively young body at TUM where all activities of the area of teaching and learning come together. The Board of Teaching is composed of three Deans of Studies (representatives of the respective TUM locations), one representative of the academic staff, the Vice President for Studies and Teaching and two student representatives.The meetings take place approximately once a month, current topics are the repetition of passed exams to improve marks, the procedure when academic misconduct happened and multiple choice. Due to the small number of members, the Teaching Board is an extremely effective body. The representatives have to prepare well for the meetings to convince with arguments there. However, it is also one of the few bodies in which student representatives can introduce topics by themselves and get improvement suggestions accepted.
Helen Sauer
Marlene Hackmann
B.Sc. Informatik
Lisanna Gottwald
B.Sc. Aerospace