Environmental Department
The Environmental Department is committed to increasing the presence of the environment and sustainability in teaching and in campus life.
The focus of the work is the organization of the Environmental Lecture Series at the main campus and at the Garching campus. These give interested students of all subject areas the opportunity to integrate the topic Environment into their studies and are also accessible to the public in the sense of active science communication.
In addition to the lecture series, the department is also working on many other projects related to a green university. In the past, clothes swap parties for students or the first vegan food stand were organized at the Open Air GARNIX in Garching.
The department also works on a more sustainable campus in university politics. We represent the students in the Task Force Sustainable Campus Development of the TUM.
The separate website of the Environmental Department can be found at umwelt.asta.tum.de .

Violetta Carvajal-Heckele
M.Sc. Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics

Etienne Grandemange
M.Sc. Management & Technology

Lucian Haak
B.Sc. Informatik