The Student Representation’s Tasks

To achieve its goals, the Student Council elects Chairs, Speakers and Delegates. Together, they form the Allgemeiner Studentischer Ausschuss (AStA) and meet regularly every second Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the AStA Office. These meetings are public, you’re welcome to drop by. You find the future meetings here.

The Student Representation’s goals are defined in the Bavarian University Act. Our projects include the development of these tasks.

Tasks according to the Bavarian University Act

The following tasks of the Student Representation are stipulated in the Bavarian University Act:

  1. The representation of subject-matter-related, financial and social interests of students of the university.
  2. Cross-faculty questions that result from the engagement of Student Representatives of university’s institutions.
  3. The support of intellectual, musical and sports-related interests of students.
  4. The maintenance of relationships with students both in Germany and abroad.

This is what it looks like: our topics and projects

  • Participation in the distribution of study grants
  • Creation of study and working rooms for students
  • Evaluation of statutes and vocations
  • Participation in implementation of Bologna Reform
  • Improvement of IT services of the university
  • Dealing with student housing
  • Organisation of parties and festivals
  • Organizing the Environmental Lecture Series
  • Contact with the Studierendenwerk
  • and much more