| 2019-2023 | 2023 |
Structural Program for Teaching Quality | | |
Teaching Staff Teacher Education | 1 400 | 280 |
Study-related increase of the Excellence Strategy | 10 000 | 2 000 |
Bachelor Plus | 1 200 | 241 |
| 12 600 k€ | 2 521 k€ |
Structural Fund Teaching | | |
ProLehre | Media and Didactics | 3 128 | 730 |
Seminar Fund Academy Center | 900 | 180 |
| 4 028 k€ | 910 k€ |
Structural Program Locations | | |
StudiTUM IV (Medicine) | 4 500 | 900 |
Support and Maintenance of StudiTUM Houses | 500 | 140 |
Bus connection Garching - Weihenstephan | 500 | 10 |
| 5 500 k€ | 1 050 k€ |
CampusTUM | | |
Alumni & Career | 1 558 | 360 |
TUM CST (former HRSL-R und SSZ) | 2 209 | 1 733* |
TUM CST (former SSZ) | 4 531 |
Language Center | 5 750 | 670 |
International Center | 3 000 | 1 276 |
University Library | 5 810 | 1 232 |
Teaching-specific Room Adaptation | – | – |
Intelligent Learning Room Management | – | 60 |
Lecture Series TUM Environment | – | 20 |
| 22 150 k€ | 5 351 k€ |
| | |
Total | 44 985 k€ | 9 832 k€ |
* In the first version of the plan, the Center for Study and Teaching was run as two separate units.