Bologna reform
The target of the Bologna reform was the creation of a European higher education area, which was reflected in the Declaration of the European Ministers of Education dated July 19, 1999.
The stated objectives were (taken literally):
- introduction of a system of easily understandable and comparable degrees, also through the introduction of the Diploma Supplement, with the aim of promoting the labor market-relevant qualifications of European citizens as well as the international competitiveness of the European higher education system
- introduction of a system based essentially on two main cycles: a cycle up to the first degree (undergraduate) and a cycle after the first degree (graduate). The standard requirement for admission to the second cycle is the successful completion of the first cycle, which lasts at least three years. The degree obtained after the first cycle certifies a qualification level relevant for the European labor market. The second cycle should end, as in many European countries, with the master's degree and/or doctorate
- introduction of a credit point system - similar to ECTS - as a suitable means of promoting the greatest possible mobility of students. Points should also be able to be earned outside universities, for example through lifelong learning, provided they are recognized by the respective host universities
- promoting mobility by overcoming the obstacles that prevent free movement in practice, in particular:
- for students: access to study and training opportunities and related services
- for teachers, scientists and administrative staff: Recognition and crediting of periods spent abroad for research, teaching or training purposes, without prejudice to the legal rights of these categories of persons
- promoting European cooperation in quality assurance with a view to developing comparable criteria and methods
- promoting the necessary European dimensions in higher education, in particular regarding curriculum development, inter-university cooperation, mobility projects and integrated study, training and research programmes
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