Possible projects

On this page you will find a number of suggestions for projects within the "AStA project work". Do you like a topic or do you have an idea for a project that is not listed here? Contact us!

Organization of an event (e.g. "Long Night of the University", sports event etc.)

The organization of various events could be a project. For example, the "Long Night of the Universities" takes place annually. There, dedicated lecturers present topics of their field on a generally understandable level. The organization of the "Long Night of the Universities" includes, first of all, the search for suitable and interested lecturers. In addition, the rooms, the technology and a supply of drinks and snacks must be organized. Further events could also be, for example, sports competitions, poetry slams or other cultural events.

Panel discussion

The project work "Panel discussions" is about conducting a panel discussion on a university-relevant topic on your own responsibility. This includes, in particular, the selection and invitation of suitable panel guests, the advertising of the event in advance, the organization of the rooms and the corresponding technical equipment.

The topic can be chosen from the university political spectrum itself, but must be agreed upon with the Student Representation before. Possible topics would be, for example, university financing by the Confederation, political mandate for student representatives or the civil clause. The panel discussion should be structured in such a way that as many students as possible are addressed and it must be considered that a broad spectrum of opinions is represented on the panel.

As the organizers take over the moderation, rhetorical skills are trained and a deeper understanding of the discussion subject is expected, which requires a thorough examination of the topic in advance. In this way, a first, profound insight into a section of university politics can be gained. The AStA provides assistance in researching the topic, choosing the rooms etc..

The project can also be taken over together by two people, but the task division must be balanced.

Topic research

In order to prepare discussions for the TUM Student Council or for the various university committees, a comprehensive research on university policy topics, such as the Federal University, the civil clause or the Constituted Student Body is often necessary. In addition to pure research on content, scenarios can be developed on how certain concepts could be transferred to TUM. The research results should be prepared in writing and presented to the TUM Student Council or the AStA.