Interested in joining us?
Click here to access our contact form for those who are interested. We will get in touch with you then.
We're glad you'd like to come and visit us! We have a form for you here in which you can enter your interests and we will forward your contact details to the corresponding representative of the department, who will get back to you! Don't worry, you don't have to prepare for an interview. We are all students and always happy when people want to join us! So don't be shy, we won't bite ;-D
Open positions
Current open positions with detailed descriptions and exemplary tasks can be found here
What is the Student Representation and what is it doing?
We, the Student Representation of the Technical University of Munich, represent all TUM students, concerning academic, university policy and cultural issues.
We represent your interests at various university committees in order to...
- improve the quality of Teaching
- make the examination regulations fair
- establish new courses of study
- ensure study grants are distributed fairly
- create more learning spaces
- make the university more sustainable
- and much more...
We also organize various events, that enrich your student life, such as...
- open Air Festivals in the summer
- lecture hall slams
- May festivals
- large freshman parties
- and much more...
In short: we want to make your studies at TUM as pleasant and colorful as possible in all ways, and we are committed to this.
You too can join us and stand up for your fellow students!
(For more details see Art. 52 BayHoschG)
What are specific topics we are involved in?
- What actually happens in the Senate?
- When is the next TUNIX open air festival?
- What are the university elections?
- Who organizes all the parties and events?
- What are tuition substitution funds?
- Whom can I contact when something annoys me?
- What does my student body do for me?
If you have such or similar questions, then visit the Student Representation!
With us you can get involved in many different areas. Does that sound like a lot of work and not much fun? On the contrary! You will meet new people, have a look behind the scenes of the university, have a lot of fun and learn a lot of new things.
Further information
Do you want to stay up to date and be informed about the latest developments of the Student Representation and the TUM? If so, subscribe to our Telegram Newsletter or if you do not use Telegram you can view the content of the newsletter here.
University Policy
With us, you can get involved in university politics and help decide many things of the university.
For example, did you know that your Student Representation has a say in all study regulations? Or that we help decide, where tuition substitution funds go? In many committees of the university the Student Representation participates in important decisions.
If you want to get involved in politics, have a say and participate in decision-making, then university policy is the right place for you.
You can find some current university policy topics here.
Parties & Events
With us you can get involved in numerous events and parties.
Did you know, for example, that the big TUNIX festival has been organized by dedicated TUM students for more than 30 years? Or that we set up a big university party every semester?
If you would like to help with the organisation of a party or our festival, then our event team is the right place for you.
You can find an overview of our events here.
But even if you have an idea of what absolutely needs to be done, we are always open to new ideas and will support you with the implementation.
By the way, all our events are provided with light, sound and technology by dedicated students of Event Technology Department.
If you want to know more about this, just send and email to our event technicians at
Just send us an email ( or come to our weekly meetings:
When? Every second Tuesday at 18:30 pm
Where? AStA Office (can be found here) or online
Who do I talk to? Just ask for the FSR chair
We are looking forward to you!
Project work
Still not sure what the right topic is for you? Do you want to get to know us before you really join us?
Then maybe the project work of the AStA is something for you.
Take on a project of the AStA, attend two workshops at the Carl von Linde Academy on project management and team communication. For this you will receive 3 ECTS recognized as interdisciplinary basics.
You can find an overview of possible projects here. But your own project is also very welcome.
Here you can find all further information about project work or write us an email to